Professional Services You Can Trust

Psychological Evalutions


Frontline Consulting provides the highest quality psychological evaluations for first responders. These evaluations follow the requirements and guidelines of IACP, IAFF, and MCOLES. The following evaluations are available: pre-employment, return to work (post incident), promotion requirement, annual wellness evaluations, and special unit evaluations.

Peer Support Training And Supervision


Dr. Janka has trained and supervised a statewide peer support team as well as many teams in the metro Detroit area. He is able to provide a three day peer support certification training, serve as a mental health consultant for your peer support team, or supervise peer support services.

Critical Incident Stress Management


Dr. Janka is a certified instructor with the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation. He has extensive experience training departments and teams in CISM practices as well as providing CISM. The staff at Frontline Consulting has conducted hundreds of debriefings and defusings. They have responded to critical incidents of all sizes.

In-Service Training And Public Speaking


Dr. Janka has taught and spoke at training academies, chaplain academies, and departments across the state. Popular topics he has taught on include: leadership, wellness, mindfulness, conflict resolution, and effective communication.

First Responder Assistance Programs


Frontline Consulting has the First Responder Assistance Team. This is a team of trained mental health professionals specialized in working with first responders. Assistance programs provide departments with rapid response in critical situations. This includes defusing within 12 hours, debriefings within 48-72 hours, one-on-one debriefings, post incident consults, wellness check-in's, and leadership consults (for command staff). Program pricing is based on the size of the department and services requested. Contact us now to see which program best fits the needs of your department.

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